I don't know my (parent) login?

We can send you a reminder of your user ID, and reset your password if required. Simply let us know by email remembering to tell us your child's name and year group.

I don't want to do any activities after school this term and will be going straight home. What should I do?

If you do not wish to stay for after school activities, please select "Going Home" for each day.

I don't want to do any activities, but I have to wait for the bus. What should I do?

If you are travelling home on the bus, you will need to register for an activity or for study.

Will activities finish in time for the late bus?

Nearly all activities finish in time for the late buses. However there are a small number which finish later, or are held offsite and you will need to arrange to have someone to come and collect you at the end. These include Tennis at Bisham Abbey, CCF, Sailing, Canoeing and some activities at Braywick Leisure Centre.There may be others as the programme changes each term so make sure you check.

I need to change one of my activities. 

If you need to change any of your options, please contact the office. Some activity options may be full and cannot accommodate any more students. You must ensure that both the member of staff running the session you wish to join, and the one you wish to leave are happy with your choice.

I can't do my activity this week. Who should I tell?

If you cannot do your activity this week, please ensure that you notify the member of staff running the session and check out with the front desk before leaving site.