Schedules and Information

Activities Information & Schedules for the Autumn Term:



Juniors Activities - Autumn 2023.pdf

Autumn Schedule

Juniors Activities Schedule - Summer 2024.pdf

Senior Girls


Senior Girls Activities - Autumn 2023.pdf

Autumn Schedule

Senior Girls Activities Schedule - Summer 2024.pdf

Senior Boys


Senior Boys Activities - Autumn 2023.pdf

Autumn Schedule

Senior Boys Activities Schedule - Summer 2024.pdf

Sixth Form


Sixth Form Activities - Autumn 2023.pdf

Autumn Schedule

Sixth Form Activities Schedule - Summer 2024.pdf


Jr Ballet Letter - Autumn 2023.pdf


Magpies Claires Court Sept - Dec 24.pdf
Tennis Activity - Autumn 2024.pdf


Jr Boys ThinkTank Summer 22.pdf

Think Tank

Jr S2 Street Dance Summer 2024.pdf

Street Dance


Some of our activities are very popular or may have a limited number of spaces available.  If an activity appears to have a waiting list very early on/the start, it may be that we have forced a priority- or waiting list to help with the fair allocation of spaces.
Don't let this put you off.

Anyone wishing to join the activity should select "Join Waiting List". Applications are recorded with both date and time.

Priority will be given to:

After that, we will assign remaining spaces in order of application

Waiting lists will also be created if the number of applicants exceeds the number of spaces. You are free to join this waiting list as there is always the chance that someone will pull out of an activity and free up a space.  If a space comes up, and you are next on the list, you will be contacted.

While every effort is made to ensure that opportunities are offered to boys and girls equally, there will be differences in the various schedules due to staffing availability, onsite facilities and, ultimately, student interest. 

It may be possible to arrange for a student to participate in an activity on another site but as activities do not run to the same schedule on all sites (to facilitate cross-site transport links) it may not be practical.  Suggestions are always welcome, and all requests will be considered for future terms.


Although most come at no extra cost, some of our activities (mainly those involving a third party provider) incur an additional fee. 

All chargeable activities are flagged with (£) on the schedules and more details can be found in the Information sheets.

In most cases, payment for externally run activities will be made directly to the third party provider and a link will be provided for these payments. For a small number, the fee will be added to the end of term bill. Further information will be sent to all participants once registration for the term is complete.

If you have any queries regarding specific activities, please contact the school office who will be able to put you in touch with the appropriate member of staff co-ordinating activities.


Once chosen and allocated, options for activities for the term are fixed and should not be changed without good reason.

Once paid, no refunds will be given for an activity except in the case of cancellation or curtailment by the school.

Occasionally the school may opt to rotate groups at half term if there are a large number students on a waiting list.

Allocation of spaces in activities with a restricted capacity will be made by the school, ensuring fairness and equity in all cases.